My Thoughts on Obama (and a few links)

Peace, one and all…


As is obvious, I am not an American.  Thus, although I had no vote in the election, I too was anxiously watching the results come in last night.  Of course, Obama is only human and I do not expect him to right all of the world’s ills with a wave of his hand – that would be foolish.  But, I do think his election is important in two key ways: firstly, the election of a Blackamerican is a huge symbolic moment in American history – as many American bloggers have eloquently stated: see Tariq Nelson, Marc Manley, Margari Aziza Hill, H Ahmed, Rickshaw Diaries.  See, however, a worthwhile note of caution from al-Kashif al-Saghir.  A UK reaction: Shelina Zahra Janmohammad.

Secondly, I hope that Obama’s election marks a change of direction for the world.  I hope it marks a move away from what we have all seen during the last few years.  I hope it marks an opening up of new possibilities, of as yet unrealised potentials.  But, the crucial point here is that this is a moment of potential – as a global community, we all have a role to play in making this a better world for ourselves and those who come after us (God willing).

There are huge issues facing all of us in the coming weeks, months and years.  How are we to find a way through this economic catastrophe?  How are we to tackle our destructive uses of the earth and its resources?  How are we to overcome war, unnecessary death, injustice, prejudice and all of the ills we face?  I do not know the answers to these questions.  I do know that we all have a role to play in answering them.

My prayers go out to the newly elected President of the USA, Barack Obama.  May Allah make his intentions firm, his deeds blessed and his hand guided.  May Allah open the doors of His mercy to the whole of humanity.  Ya Allah!  You know how much we need it!

In closing, here are some useful links, to which I would like to direct my own (and everyone else’s) attention.  May Allah make them useful:

Ma’as salama,
Abdur Rahman

6 thoughts on “My Thoughts on Obama (and a few links)

  1. Things are really amazing here; I’ve never seen people so happy after an election! In 2004 we were all complaining and wondering who in the heck had voted for Bush again!

    I pray for Obama’s guidance and wisdom, and for safety for him and his family; there are a lot of nut jobs around!

  2. May Allah hear your prayers and may he seek out “good” advisors (I mean besides the pillar of a wife he has). I was researching Obama this morning and noticed his mother was white, he was raised by his white grandparents, his half sister from mom’s side is Indonesian and she’s married to a Canadian Chinese man…now is that international or what? And yes, may he seek Allah’s guidance in all matters.

  3. Abdur Rahman,
    Some of us here are motivating and beginning to make things happen. This victory has added an extra pep in our step as we strive. It is a very exciting time, and it gives me a lot of hope. I’m glad our brothers and sisters across the pond are keeping us in their du’a. I’m getting weary of the naysayers. Much of their same rhetoric has kept Muslim in arrested development when it comes to civic engagement for the past 15 years.

    Once again thank you for your thoughtful words.


  4. Salaams Margari,

    I know what you mean. I’ve found over the years that if ‘no’ is our only answer, sooner or later people just stop asking for our opinion!

    May Allah aid all those who struggle and strive that goodness, mercy and love prevail.

    Ya Karim!

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